History of Cabangan Elementary School


In one of the smallest pockets of lowland along the coastline of Zambales was Cabangan known to the ancient Zambales as “Cabangan”, the this place where the place the banga grow.

The first “Capitan Municipal” was Capitan Justo Alinea that was in 1898. He became capitan for three times. He was followed by Juan Del Rosario, Capitan Antero Mora and Capitan Lucas Dana. Juan Fontelera was Juece de Sementera y de Policia while Cenon Donor was the Maestro Municipal.

In 1916, with the leadership of Juan Fontelera, Cabangan Elementary School was created and established. He donated the lot with the land area of 10, 064 square meters. The school was built through “bayanihan”. Barangay San Antonio is the place where Cabangan Elementary School is situated.

Thus, in 1916 with the leadership of my great grandfather, Juan Fontelera Cabangan Elementary School was created and established. The mayor Feliciano Carpio, a very good fried of relative of Juan Fontelera.

Surprisingly, the Gabaldon building existed for a hundred years until it was replaced by ne E-building in 2016.

During that time, my great grandfather was Juez de Sementera y Policia while Cenon Donor was the maestro municipal.

As a member of Fontelera clan, I am proud to say that my great grandfather was instrumental  in creation and established of the Cabangan Elementary School and on behalf of my family and relatives-descendants of Pedro Bueno Fontelera, Margarita Bueno Fontelera-Llagas, Edilberta Mendigorin Fontelera-Paredes, I would like to thank the Cabangan Elementary School alumni, CES Centennial Execom and working committee, cabangan District Teaching force for this plaque of recognition which we will cherish for the rest of our lives. Thank you so much and God Bless the CES.

Lastly, I would like to mention this as disclaimer. My family, the Fontelera Clan, does not claim to be sole donor of land for the CES. It just happened that we, descendants of Juan D. Fontelera had been through made aware of his services and endevour and his good intentions for establishing a school.

My grandfather, Pedro Fontelera (Juan’s only son), was very vocal on his claim and I, as avid listener kept record of everything he said including his family tree.

If any of my town mates happen to be donors of land of CES, or know any other donors, I encourage you to come forward so you will be recognized also. Thank you!